Musk ansætter ny administrerende direktør for Twitter, 'Hun vil begynde i 6 uger'

Milliardærinvestor Elon Musk stopper som administrerende direktør for Twitter og påtager sig andre roller i virksomheden. Ejeren af ​​mikroblogging-platformen afslørede, at han har ansat en ny administrerende direktør, mediechef Linda Yaccarino, who should be

Binance fjerner angiveligt restriktioner for russiske brugere

Verdenen’s største kryptobørs, Binance, har ophævet visse restriktioner for russiske brugere, lokale kryptomedier afsløret. Ifølge flere rapporter, Russians can once again use their bank cards to make deposits and the trading platform has canceled a limit on

Crypto Exchange Bitzlato gendanner brugeradgang til halvdelen af ​​Bitcoin-saldi, Rapport

Bitzlato-brugere kan nu delvist trække deres bitcoin-midler fra den afmonterede kryptovalutabørs, ifølge en medierapport. Den russisk-tilknyttede handelsplatform var målrettet af vestlige retshåndhævere og fik sin fransk-baserede serverinfrastruktur beslaglagt i januar. Bitzlato-kunder tilladt…

Zimbabwes Blockchain-startups lancerer service for at hjælpe migranter med at flytte midler på tværs af grænserne

Two Zimbabwean startups, Flexid and Uhuru Wallet, recently launched a platform that offers digital identity and remittance services to migrants living and working in South Africa. The two startups hailed what they’ve described as thefirst cross-chain collaboration between the two

Kryptogrupper på russiske sociale medier ramt af bots, der miskrediterer Bitcoin

Social media groups devoted to cryptocurrencies in Russia have been attacked by bots in what looks like a campaign against bitcoin and the like. Their comments on Russia’s largest social media platform are triggered by certain keywords like crypto and blockchain,…

Unbanked og Mastercard-teamet op for at fremskynde brugen af ​​kryptokort i Web3-organisationer i Europa

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. Today it was announced that Unbanked, the leading provider of white-label crypto card issuance and program management service for Web3 companies has partnered with Mastercard, to accelerate DeFi card issuance in Europe. Mastercard and Unbanked have already established a

El Salvador Chivo Wallet Programmer åbner op om påstået ID-svindel, Tekniske problemer og problemer med hvidvaskning af penge

A Chivo wallet programmer has opened up about the different problems that the flagship cryptocurrency wallet of El Salvador faced during its initial stages. Shaun Overton, who alleges he was hired to help in the handling of the issues, has talked

Huobi fyringer sætter gang i kontroverser og spekulationer, Justin Sun hævder, at alt er fint

The cryptocurrency exchange Huobi is laying off 20% of its employees, according to multiple reports over the past two days. Imidlertid, Huobi’s advisor Justin Sun, grundlæggeren af ​​Tron, told the South China Morning Post that the layoff reports were untrue….

Krav om voldgift indgivet mod Genesis Global Capital, DCG - Firma anklaget for 'Ochestrating a Sham Transaction'

Three Gemini Earn users have accused Genesis Global Capital of breaching a contract and have subsequently filed a demand for class arbitration with the American Arbitration Association. Ud over, the three users assert that all transactionsconstituted unregistered sales of securities”…